4 reasons why you should pass on your trade discounts to clients

Should interior designers pass on their trade discounts or keep them as part of their revenue stream?

Today I'm giving you 4 reasons why I think it's essential to pass on trade discount to clients.

There's a tradition within the interior design industry that in order to make money you have to take a cut of the discounts you get from trades.

But I built a very successful design business by passing my discounts on in full and it was one of the secrets to why I managed to book so many clients.

I'll share what I mean in this video!

Business Courses and Resources for Designers and Architects

If you need help growing your interior design or architecture business then check out my business courses and resources for designers and architects. Think of it a bit like business school but more fun, less intimidating and created specifically for designers and architects and what YOU need in business. 

Our courses and resources leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and moving past imposter syndrome. 

You’ll learn strategies for finding more clients and we have heaps of support that will help you to drop systems and processes straight in to your design business so you can then be more professional and organised in the way you do business with those clients.  

Find out more about the courses and resources we offer via the button below and feel free to contact me and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. 

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Clare x


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