8 ways to improve your design business today

Pretty much every day I will get a DM or email like this:

“Do you offer business coaching”

“I really need someone to help me 1:1 with my business”

“I just need someone like you to tell me what to do in my business”

But I don’t think many of you actually need a business coach. You already know what you should be doing, you just need to start consistently doing this and you will see progress.

Although I don’t offer any business coaching or mentorship (I’ve been there, tried that and it wasn’t for me for various reasons) there are quite a few areas I would work through with you if I were to start working with you as your business coach.

In this post I share what those areas are.

1: Refine your brand and point of difference

If I were your business coach I would help you develop a clear brand identity and unique selling proposition that differentiates you from competitors. I would help you focus on what makes you unique (whether it's your design style, the market you serve or the types of products or services you offer).

Here’s how to do that:

  • Identify your target audience and their preferences

  • Define your design philosophy and style

  • Research competitors and identify gaps in the market

  • Develop a logo and consistent visual branding

  • Develop a tagline that communicates your unique selling proposition

Get more help with this on my BRANDING AND MARKETING page.

2: Build a strong online presence

If I were your business coach I would help you build a professional website that shows off your portfolio, services and testimonials. I would also help you develop a strategy for using social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook to share your work, engage with potential clients and put relevant and helpful content out into the world.

Here’s how to do that:

  • Build a visually appealing and user friendly website

  • Include a detailed "About" section that allows people to get to know you

  • Share high quality images of your projects

  • Collect and share client testimonials

  • Regularly publish engaging content on your blog

  • Use social media to share your work and behind the scenes content

  • Engage with followers and respond to comments and messages promptly

Get more help with this on my SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING page.

3: Network and collaborate

If I were your business coach I would encourage you to attend local events, trade shows and conferences related to design industry. You could also consider joining online communities (like my free Facebook group) to build your network and connections further.

In order to find more clients I would encourage you to reach out and collaborate with other professionals in the industry such as architects, real estate agents and builders/contractors. This will help to increase referral opportunities over time.

Here’s how to do that:

  • Attend industry events, workshops and conferences

  • Join in person and online communities in the industry

  • Connect with professionals on LinkedIn or Instagram DMs and participate in relevant Facebook groups

  • Reach out to potential collaborators (architects, builders/contractors, real estate agents)

  • Offer value to your network (eg sharing knowledge to their communities or providing referral fees for any work they send your way).

Get more help with this on my PARTNERSHIPS + SUPPLIERS page.

4: Seek testimonials and referrals

If I were your business coach I would help you set up a system to collect testimonials from satisfied clients. I would then help you share these on your website and social media.

Here’s how to do that:

  • Request written or video testimonials from happy clients

  • Share testimonials on your website, social media and other marketing materials

  • Create a referral program with incentives (discounts or gift cards)

  • Thank your clients for referrals to encourage them to continue doing this

Get more help with this on my WORKING WITH CLIENTS page.

5: Diversify your services

If I were your business coach I would look at the services you are currently offering and help you decide whether or not to expand your service offerings to appeal to a broader range of clients.

Here’s how to do that:

  • Research emerging trends and niches in interior design

  • Offer specialised services (e.g. sustainable design, smart home integration or home staging)

  • Provide virtual consultations or e-design services

  • Develop workshops or online courses to share your expertise

Get more help with this on my PRODUCTS + SERVICES page.

6: Analyse (and adjust) your pricing strategy

If I were your business coach I would look at your current pricing strategy and help you improve this (and probably get you to raise your fees if you’re anything like most designers I meet!).

Here’s how to do that:

  • Define (and potentially refine) your target market (e.g. it’s hard to make money if you’re going after the budget, DIY end of the market)

  • Help you analyse your costs, competitors' pricing, target market and value proposition.

  • Monitor your business performance, client feedback and the market conditions.

  • Clearly communicate the value of your services to your clients. Explain your pricing structure and how it reflects the quality and benefits they'll receive (this is called value based pricing)

  • Raise your fees!

Get more help with this on my PRICING page or in my PRICING FOR DESIGNERS short course.

7: Track and analyse your progress

If I were your business coach I would make sure you track your business performance and key metrics such as leads, lead conversions (sales), website traffic and social media engagement. I would keep you accountable to regularly reviewing your progress and help you adjust your strategies based on what's working and what's not.

Here’s how to do that:

  • Set up a metrics tracker dashboard

  • Set up website analytics (e.g. Google Analytics) to monitor website traffic

  • Track social media performance using their in-platform tools (e.g. insights for Instagram)

  • Measure client inquiries and conversion rates

  • Set metrics goals and regularly review your progress

  • Adjust strategies based on data driven insights (e.g. how do you know how to improve your sales funnel until you know where people are dropping off along the process?)

Get more help with this on my BUSINESS OPERATIONS page.

8: Be patient and persistent

If I were your business coach I would help you understand that building a business takes time and effort.

I would help you set goals, adapt your strategies and remind you to be open to trying new things all the time.

Here’s how to do that:

  • Develop a realistic timeline and set achievable goals

  • Review and adjust your strategies regularly

  • Celebrate small wins and learn from mistakes

  • Stay committed to your long term vision and continue to invest in your business growth

Get more help with this on my PRODUCTIVITY page or my GOAL SETTING page.

I honestly think that very few of you need a business coach.

You already know what you should be doing - and if you don’t then that’s what my business short courses and free resources are for.

All you need to do is make a plan and start taking action on that plan bit by bit.

That’s how you’ll see progress.

The list outlined in this post should give you lots to get on with I hope! 🥳

Thanks for reading and catch you in my next post :)

Clare x

Dr Clare Le Roy

PS: If you enjoyed this then don’t forget to follow me @thelittledesigncorner for my daily tips on growing a profitable design or architecture business.

Courses and Templates for Designers and Architects



  • Improve your professionalism?

  • Find more clients?

  • Bring in more revenue?

  • Create better systems and processes?

Then check out my business courses and templates for designers and architects.

These courses and templates leave you with work done - not just a long list of things you need to do next. We have a really strong focus on taking action and getting things created that improve your business.

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